Individual Needs-Oriented Settings, i.e.,
different techniques & methods are available for you.

Why do we breathe? BREATH is LIFE.

Without breathing, we couldn’t live. It is something so natural, so broad, and yet we often forget it.

We are often unaware of our BREATH. The breath is our life force and keeps us alive.

From the first breath to the last breath on this planet, there’s nothing more beautiful.

We are born as babies with deep abdominal breathing, naturally breathing deeply, from the mouth all the way down to our belly,

where intuition is,

where primal trust is,

where feelings are,

where emotions are,

where life is. Everything begins from there, and it’s no coincidence that we often talk about “gut feelings.”

How often do we hold our breath? This can happen for various reasons:

Because we pause and listen, or more often, because something takes our breath away—often external influences

like an experience, a surprise, a natural event like a sunset, the scent of a flower,

the sound of an instrument or a voice, the taste of a fruit.

That’s why we often speak of breathtaking beauty.

But there are also less joyful events, such as accidents, shock, or trauma, that can rob us of our breath and bring us out of balance. – This is triggered by nervous system functions – reactions to stress, fear, etc., that are categorized as fight, flight, freeze, or fawn responses.

We become more and more disconnected from our feelings, separating ourselves from emotions we could be experiencing.

We cut ourselves off from our emotional world—consciously or unconsciously to avoid feeling something.

The question arises, what can I do against this? The answer is simple:


It’s that simple.


You can regain this awareness at your own pace. Have you (like most people) forgotten how to breathe deeply into your belly? Are you stuck in shallow chest breathing?

I, Nika Feist, can guide you.

I am a breath coach, and I can help you find your breathing rhythm and pace again.

Connect with your emotional world and breathe through everything.

The beauty of breathing exercises is that you reconnect with your consciousness, feel your body more intensely, and breathe through everything blocking you.

You don’t have to talk much about your conscious or unconscious issues.

Of course, there are additional therapies and treatments that can support you.

It’s important to take the first step. If you want to take action, breathe—I warmly invite you.

I will guide you through various breathing techniques to help you develop a sense of your breath, your body, your vessel.

For deep abdominal breathing, we follow the Your Breath Coach® technique, powered by Anne Wolnik, Victory Academy, Amun Ra.

If you’d like to learn more about how I can guide you, schedule a free conversation. Warm regards, Nika Feist


What exactly is deep abdominal breathing?

As babies, we all had deep abdominal breathing, but over time we lose it. We accumulate experiences, imprints, behaviors, patterns, and tensions—this leads to irregular, shallow breathing.
Shallow, insufficient breathing can constrict us and have negative effects on our circulation, metabolism, nervous system, digestion, organs, sleep, and more.
Learn how to breathe properly again.
Find your rhythm and pace. Learn to focus through your breath. Find yourself in your breath again.
Feel and experience yourself centered. Breathe through your issues into freedom, carried by your own life’s BREATH. Through deep abdominal breathing with the technique from Your Breath Coach® by Anne Wolnik, Victory Academy, Amun Ra, circulation, metabolism, nervous system, digestion, and organs can balance. Emotional issues are processed through the breath, and the emotions that arise are “breathed through,” meaning you breathe and let them be.

Summary –

Breathing with the abdominal breathing technique can:

• support the body’s self-healing powers
• promote overall health
• Reduce inner restlessness
• Build resilience, relaxation, and recovery
• Strengthen and build the immune system
• Improve concentration
• Release imprints and programs from our emotional body
• Release patterns and behaviors, fears, and compulsions from our emotional body
• Support the resolution of life themes
• Support the divine task of true being
• Improve circulation to the organs
• Expand lung capacity
• Relieve and reduce tensions
• Awaken and enhance body awareness and your surroundings
• Unleash personal potential and make it liveable
• Promote self-confidence and self-trust
• Enable joy and quality of life


Breathing with the abdominal breathing technique can

also provide support in the following areas, alongside medical evaluation:

• Stress
• Tinnitus
• Sleep disorders
• Pain (chronic and acute)
• Imbalances in the autonomic nervous system
• Dependencies and addictions (for mental stability and reducing cravings)
• Psychosomatic symptoms such as skin conditions like neurodermatitis or psoriasis

Possible Settings:

Individual Personal Settings in my practice in Vienna or Mallorca.

Group Personal Settings in my practice in Vienna or Mallorca.

Online Individual Settings comfortably from home via video call/Zoom.

Online Group Settings comfortably from home via video call/Zoom.


Text excerpts and text inspired by Victory Academy, with the kind permission of Anne Wolnik, AMUN RA, Victory Academy.